Pastor's Blog
For the latest sermon updates, further study on the topics we're covering, and more in-depth Bible Study be sure to check back often! Live Stream on Facebook every SundayPastor Judd is a 2003 graduate of NEB, 2007 graduate of Eastern University with a major in Youth Ministry and Minor in Biblical Studies. He’s also a 2013 graduate from Grand Canyon University with a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education.
Here you could find Pastor Judd’s latest sermon notes, further study on our latest topic and more! Be sure to check back often!

Latest Pastors Blog Updates
Names of God pt. 3
There is power in a name and there is no greater name that YHWH. Join me on this journey to learn about the name of God that is YHWH. He was, He is, and He forever will be.
Names of God Pt. 2
Elohim is used over 2,500 times in the Old Testament and it is used anywhere from meaning God to Living God. Let’s look at Elohim as a God who is not a God who sits by but is actively involved in our lives.
Names of God Pt. 1
Not only do we worship a God but we worship a living God who is jealous for us. He is jealous for us because he knows what is best for us and wants only the best for us. Join me as we look at the name El Qanna as the first name of God in our series.

LeRaysville Church
24 Church Street, Le Raysville, PA 18829
Potterville Church
51 Potterville Street, Rome, PA 18837
Parish House
903 Main Street, Le Raysville, PA 18829
Hours: M-F 9am - 12pm