As we enter into the change of seasons we cannot help but marvel at the creation of our God. Especially up here in Northeastern PA. We are blessed to have 4 different seasons, and even though I am not a huge fan of all of the seasons, I can still see the beauty in all of them. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that winter is my least favorite season. I do not do well with being cold and wet, and unfortunately I tend to get cold very easily. However, you can still see all that was created around you and give thanks to God for it. When we look at the creation story in Genesis, we see the use of a name of God as the creator of all things. Elohim means God and it can be used different. Our first use of the word is in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” We see it translated as God, but in Hebrew it is saying Elohim. This is what the text says in the Jewish language, “.בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃” The letters in red are translated as Elohim and they mean God as Creator.

Elohim is used more than 2,500 times in the Old Testament. I say it is the Old Testament (OT) because it was never used in the New Testament (NT). By the time the NT was written the language of use was Greek because that was the most commonly used language at that time. They would have used the word theos in Greek so after the OT we do not see the use of Elohim. That does not change the character of God at all though. When Moses was writing Genesis he was using the name of God, Elohim as the name for God and we see him continue to use it through the other books. Elohim will be attached to another word to give it meaning. Elohim Chayim is the name for “Living God” and it gives us even more a glimpse into the personage of God. We are worshipping a Living God who is capable of meeting us where we are at. While there are idols all around us and they were in the Bible as well we know ours is a living God. In 1 Samuel 5 we see the gods of the Philistines laying face down before the ark of the Lord. As a living God he continues to be walking through life with us and will continue to be there.

Elohim is not a God of weakness either. As we look at the God of the Bible we are able to see example after example of his demonstrating his power. Jesus has just been crucified on the cross and He does not leave his son dead. Instead we see three days later that Jesus is brought back from the grave by God. The walls of Jericho, the splitting of the Red Sea, the hand writing on the wall in Daniel… I could go on but I think you can see where I am going with this. We serve a God who is able to do incredible things. Elohim created all things as we know them and it wasn’t like he just kicked his feet back and started watching from his grand throne. He continues to be actively involved in the life of not just us but the people around us. That should give us some comfort in knowing that God is not just sitting back like he is disinterested in us. He is listening to our prayers and continuing to guide our paths. I don’t know about those of you who are reading this but I want to worship the God who created all things. I want to worship the Living God and I for sure want to worship the God that simply refers to himself as “I AM”. We will get into that next time but for now rest soundly knowing that God the creator is with you. Until next time, please know I am praying for you.


Pastor Judd